Having The Confidence to Say No- Education Resources

In 2019/2020 Cinemagic worked with the Department of Education to produce a two-day pilot workshop for Primary 7 pupils around the theme of learning to confidently say NO to things you are uncomfortable with. The workshops were curriculum compliant and covered  aspects of Language and Literacy, the Arts, and Personal Development and Mutual Understanding. The programme – aimed to give pupils confidence and resilience as they prepare to transition to post-primary education – began with a mindfulness session, delivered by Mindfulness Connect, to discuss how to be confident and assertive whilst learning to control feelings.

Following this, and under the guidance of Cinemagic and facilitators from Nerve Belfast Creative Learning Centre, the young people learnt about the language and various aspects of film making with iPads creating short films around the themes of Bullying, Anti Social Behaviour, Social Media, Theft and Pressure. In total 8 schools across Northern Ireland were involved. A resource was also written by Dr Alan McMurray for teachers providing them with the support to deliver this project to incoming P7 groups. 

DOWNLOAD NIO resource – Cinemagic

It was fantastic working with all the schools and if you would like to view the films please click HERE Great work guys!

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